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Accommodation Appeal Procedure

If a student has questions or disagrees with any part of their accommodation plan, the student should immediately contact the person who developed the plan (Coordinator of O’Neill Center or Learning Disabilities Specialist) to discuss the matter. If, after this consultation, the student still disagrees with the decision, the student may appeal to the College’s ADA/504 Coordinator who will assist the student through informal or formal steps as outlined online in the Affirmative Action Discrimination Grievance Procedures in the Policy on Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity and Diversity or at the colleges Human Resources office.

If an instructor has questions regarding or disagrees with the College Accommodation Plan for a particular student, the instructor should contact the Coordinator O’Neill Center or Learning Disabilities Specialist whose name is on the College Accommodation Plan. If the instructor still disagrees with the accommodation after consulting with the staff member, the instructor may request a review of the accommodation by contacting the college’s ADA/504 Coordinator.

If the instructor does not provide the accommodation, the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and the Academic Dean is responsible for ensuring that the accommodation is provided in a timely manner.

Disabilities Services Code of Ethics

The O’Neill Center staff agrees to uphold, support and advance the following ideals when working with students, faculty, staff, department colleagues, student families, partners and the community at large:

  1. We are committed to facilitating the highest levels of educational excellence and potential quality of life for postsecondary students with disabilities.
  2. We strive to achieve and maintain the highest levels of competence and integrity in all areas of assistance to students with disabilities. This support is guided by the consistent use of objective, professional judgment in all areas, especially when addressing the confidential nature of the student's disability.
  3. We continually participate in professional activities and educational opportunities designed to strengthen the personal, educational, and vocational quality of life for students with disabilities. This includes the on-going development of strategies, skills, research, and knowledge pertinent to the highest quality of disability service delivery whenever and wherever it occurs.
  4. We perform all of our responsibilities in accordance with professional standards and policy guidelines for students with disabilities.
  5. We remain actively engaged in supporting and clarifying institutional, state, provincial, and federal laws, policies, and procedures applicable to the service delivery to students with disabilities. Compliance implies that professionals will not condone or participate in any unethical or illegal acts discussed within these guidelines.

Adapted from the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Code of Ethics.

Contact Us

O'Neill Center for Student Access and Support

Location: Maureen M. Wilkens Hall, Room 222

Hours: Monday–Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm (later times by appointment)

Phone: 774.330.4337
